IT Services
Volle Technical Development provides Information Technology services to a wide range of small businesses.
Our clients include small manufacturers, attorneys, produce brokerage firms, medical testing, non-profit organizations, and even private individuals interested in high quality personalized assistance with all of their computer needs.
Our philosophy is to support our clients in the ways that they prefer. We recommend that most clients should engage in proactive maintenance and monitoring of IT systems. We also understand that sometimes our clients prefer to take on routine monitoring themselves but would like to have an established relationship for assistance if more complex issues arise. Either way we are happy to serve you, and assist with your computer and technology needs.
Continue reading below to learn more about how we serve our clients.
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Remote Monitoring and Management
For many of our clients we use an RMM tool that is installed on each computer. This is a small piece of software that requires minimal resources but it allows us to serve your computer needs, and keep a watchful eye for potential problems before they even occur. The RMM can alert us if one of your computers is overheating, or the hard drive is getting too full. We are alerted if the computer resources are being over taxed and perhaps there would be performance benefits in upgrading. The RMM notifies us if your server goes offline before you even call. The RMM also provides remote support capabilities that make it possible for us to perform maintenance or provide direct assistance remotely.
Servers, windows updates, new computers…
In addition to monitoring we provide maintenance and support for your network, pc’s and servers. Do you need to provide wireless access for your customers or guests while they are in the building? We can help setup an network that will mitigate the risk to your business while still meeting your customer needs. We can help with firewalls and other equipment to protect your business from bad actors on the internet, and provide training to your employees to help them avoid high risk behaviors in their work process. Contact us today, we would love to assist you with the technology needs of your business.
Security, Anti-virus, backup and business continuity
it Today it is not enough just to keep your technology operating! There are all types of risks and dangers that threaten your business. Volle Technical Development is not alarmist, but we also know that problems happen, and risks are everywhere. We work with our clients to establish good computing habits, and to implement security software that reduces the risks. Our recommendations are based on what we believe is best for our clients, not on our profit margin! Our normal policy is that software and hardware purchased for clients is expensed. We are not a direct distributor, and our invoice will reflect the price we paid for a product. We also assist our clients with backup strategies, and help them setup and maintain automated backup services where appropriate. We can assist in setting up a continuity plan in the event of a catastrophic incident like a structure fire, so that your business can carry on even in the face of adversity.